Activities for Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science
National Academy Press 1998 The National Academy of Sciences

This is a chapter from the National Academy of Sciences book "Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science" (1998). This chapter presents eight activities that science teachers can use as they begin developing students' understandings and abilities of evolution and the nature of science. The activities cover topics such as inquiry and the nature of science, natural selection, fossil footprints, understanding earth's changes over time, the theory of biological evolution, and population growth. Each activity includes standards-based outcomes, background for teachers, equipment list, instructional strategy and some student handouts.

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This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Environmental Science:Ecosystems:Evolution, Education, Biology:Evolution
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources:Overview/Summary, Activities, Journal Article
Research on Learning: Instructional Design:Science Education Standards/Science Literacy, Geoscience Expertise:Geologic TimeKeyword: affective domain