Chip Baumgardner

Initial Publication Date: February 9, 2011

Associate Professor, Penn College

One College Avenue
Williamsport, PA 17701


Background Information

Gerald "Chip" Baumgardner is an Associate Professor at Pennsylvania College of Technology (an affiliate of Penn State University) and a long-time adjunct at Susquehanna University with 25 years of teaching experience at a wide array of institutions such as New York University, Penn State University, Gettysburg College, and Harrisburg Area Community College. He holds a doctorate degree from George Mason University and has a high level interest in both cooperative learning and online education (having taught over 50 online coures) with a special emphasis in economic education.

Related Pedagogical Projects

Chip Completed the TIP (Teaching Innovation Program) in Economics offered through the AEA and has expanded the research to focus on cooperative learning and other alternative teaching strategies in economics. The TIP program initiated research in cooperative learning which resulted in presentations/papers at a number of conferences such as the International Atlantic Economic Society, International Academy of Business and Economics, International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, and Teaching Economics: Instruction and Classroom Based Research. Recently, Chip completed a term as President of the Pennsylvania Economic Association resulting in the opportunity to share/expand on pedagogical practices through the Mid-Atlantic area.