Initial Publication Date: December 12, 2005

Name of Resource: Ocean Surface Topography from Space
Climate Change Theme: Energy Balance
Sponsoring Organization: NASA Oceanography
Intended use: Learning Activity
Intended audience: Educators and Learners
Average Review Ratings 4 STARS

Description: This site has good information on how scientists get information about the ocean, how the ocean is important to weather/climate, and the impacts of global warming. It uses Quicktime movies to present information. There is a lot of information, but not specific teacher's guide for this site. However, there is an educational section that gives other sites and activities related to this topic.(ED)

Summary of Reviews

Reviewer: Ellen DeBacker 4 STARS
Comments: A teacher would need to develop a strategy for how the students would use this site. If just exploring, there is lots to learn. It is easy to loose where you are in the site, making it difficult for students to be sure they got where they needed to go.
Read entire review: link text (Acrobat (PDF) 45kB Jun21 05)

Reviewer: Kirsten Butcher 5 STARS
Comments: The "Education" section lists materials appropriate for different audiences (specified), including interactive exhibits, CDs, PDFs, and classroom activities. Materials include information on their contributors, the type of audience (kids, teachers, general public, grad students, etc.) for whom the materials are appropriate, and a short description of the materials that usually indicate their format (e.g., PDF).
Read entire review: link text (Acrobat (PDF) 54kB Jun21 05)