Initial Publication Date: January 22, 2007

Undergraduate Research in Science & Math at Carleton

Each summer, 40-50 Carleton undergraduates work with Carleton science and math faculty on authentic research projects. Faculty in these departments mentor students researchers: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Physics & Astronomy, Psychology, and Mathematics. Carleton's HHMI grant currently supports 14-18 students a summer, supplemented by funding from the college and external granting agencies that include the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Carleton offers a wide range of research opportunities to its students. Recent examples include (clockwise, from the top-left): 1-Professor Sarah Titus, a structural geologist with an interest in the distribution of strain across the central San Andreas fault, discusses her work with one of her students. 2-Physics professor Melissa Eblen-Zayas (center) and sophomores Marlea Iiams ('09) and Kim Rocha ('09) (right) explore how the viscosity of non-Newtonian liquids varies as a function of the stirring rate. 3-Charlie Weiss ('05) performs an air-sensitive filtration under the watchful eye of chemistry Professor Gretchen Hofmeister. 4-Chemistry professor Will Hollingsworth and Margaret Lo ('04) test the double output of their YAG-pumped dye laser.

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